I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr X )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com

I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr X )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com


Video section and news and more posts

Ascension block

Ascension block



mum said I may not recover from my injuries and surgery I’ve had ( 3 operations ) in one month. big mistake ,because god wouldn’t have given me an unexpected spiritual awakening , if I was weak and frail ,I’m gonna shock them. And those who doubt me now, I’ll walk away from later

mum said I may not recover from my injuries and surgery I’ve had ( 3 operations ) in one month. big mistake ,because god wouldn’t have given me an unexpected spiritual awakening , if I was weak and frail ,I’m gonna shock them. And those who doubt me now, I’ll walk away from later

Pay attention

Pay attention

Me and Bobby 🐩 🐺

Me and Bobby 🐩 🐺

A.I bot Kai's overview on ‘ trauma and illness and how to heal it

Main Topics Covered in the Web Page: Trauma and Healing

Understanding Narcissistic Behavior
- Exploring how demonizing narcissists can reflect our own inner issues.
- Encouraging self-reflection on triggers and reactions.
- Linking gaslighting experiences to unconscious traumas.

Body Awareness and Healing
- Connecting physical sensations during gaslighting to unconscious traumas.
- Emphasizing the opportunity for healing through meditation and feeling the nervousness.

Perception and Self-Reflection
- Highlighting how perceptions of others mirror our inner selves.
- Stressing the importance of meditating on negative reactions for healing.

Gaslighting and Insecurities
- Discussing how gaslighting stems from personal traumas and insecurities.
- Addressing the tendency to demonize others as a form of narcissism.

Meditation for Trauma Healing
- Advocating for feeling and meditating on negative reactions for healing.
- Using meditation to understand unconscious traumas without harshness.

Spiritual Awakening and Healing
- Connecting acupuncture and chi to the pain body and unconscious traumas.
- Emphasizing the need to go within, feel, and spiritually awaken for healing.

Arousal and Unconscious Traumas
- Exploring arousal as a way to uncover unconscious fears and traumas.
- Using pleasure and stillness to heal and address inner negativity.

Shadow Self and Trauma
- Defining the shadow self as the subconscious, traumatized part of oneself.
- Linking the shadow self to past traumas and its impact on life experiences.

A.I bot kais overview

Main Topics Covered on the Web Page:

Rebirth Experience and Awakening:
- Shaun Taylor shares his personal rebirth experience and spiritual awakening at the age of 24. 
- He describes receiving guidance through thought forms, being taken back to his time in the womb, and experiencing feelings of euphoria and divinity.
- The entire process lasted about 2 weeks, leading him on a journey of inner healing and ascension.

Spiritual Awakening and Dark Night of the Soul:
- Shaun discusses his unexpected spiritual awakening that began at 24, leading to a series of awakenings that revealed the interconnectedness of all things.
- The experience is described as a journey through the dark night of the soul, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of unity.

Breath Work, Rebirth, and Energy Projection Healing:
- Shaun delves into the practices of breath work and energy projection healing that he developed during his spiritual awakening.
- He explains the significance of rebirth in the healing process and the journey towards spiritual ascension.

These topics are explored in detail on Shaun Taylor's official website, www.lovelightfamily.com, under the page titled "My rebirth experience/awakening."

Pay attention to the signs

Pay attention to the signs

Green eyed monster  #greeneyes

Green eyed monster #greeneyes