I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr X )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com

I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr X )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com


Heart based living 

Bot Kai's overview

Heart-Based Living:
- Feel it with your heart: Encourages feeling situations with the heart to tap into divinity and experience present and euphoric feelings.
- Heart-Based Living Can Heal You: Discusses how heart-based emotions of harmony, love, and forgiveness can heal the body by reducing stress and cortisol levels.
- Heart-Based Living: Highlights the connection between the heart and the source of life, leading to inspiration and understanding to become the best version of oneself.
- Why There Seems to Be Blockages: Addresses the fear and blockages that may arise when trying to trust the heart, emphasizing the importance of facing and healing these blockages.
- Heart-Based Living and Mindfulness: Links heart-based living with authenticity, mindfulness, and stillness, creating a meditative state of mindfulness.
- How to Awaken Your Heart Chakra: Explains the process of awakening the heart chakra by being heart-based and feeling instead of thinking.
- Live from Your Heart: Discusses scientific evidence supporting living from the heart for physical healing and coherence with others for healing.
- Absolute Perfection: Describes mindfulness meditation as the harmony between rational mind and feelings, leading to clarity and divine intelligence.
- Heart-Based Living Turns You into Your Best Possible Self:Emphasizes authenticity and acting for the highest good through heart-based living to make a positive difference in one's life and others'.
- Heart Chakra Meditation: Guides on heart chakra meditation to heal and open the heart, leading to a tingling love feeling.
- Heart-Based Living: Explores the scientific research supporting heart-based living, highlighting the power of the heart over the brain and accessing divine intelligence through mindfulness.
- Your Thoughts and Feelings Determine Your Physical Health:Discusses the impact of thoughts and emotions on physical health, emphasizing the role of emotions in creating the body's physiology.

Additional Topic:
- Heart Connects You to Heaven/Spirit World: Teases a brand new page explaining how the heart connects individuals to loved ones in heaven or the spirit realm.

Work with your heart 💜

Work with your heart 💜

I believe that is the biggest problem we face on mass

I believe that is the biggest problem we face on mass

I hadn’t been depressed for over 2 years, then my heart was broken, then the depression came back, suicidal thoughts, I had to face this broken heart head on, and release and heal , I was broken , but had the bravery to face it , and my biggest fear, was my biggest blessing

I hadn’t been depressed for over 2 years, then my heart was broken, then the depression came back, suicidal thoughts, I had to face this broken heart head on, and release and heal , I was broken , but had the bravery to face it , and my biggest fear, was my biggest blessing

Non judgmental

Non judgmental

Feel yourself trust what I’m saying here

Feel yourself trust what I’m saying here

Feel in your heart chakra/vortex

Feel in your heart chakra/vortex

Listen to the heart chakra vortex

Listen to the heart chakra vortex

I am loving awareness  #ramdas

I am loving awareness #ramdas

Follow your heart

Follow your heart

Let it lead you

Let it lead you

What I call the angelic signs

What I call the angelic signs

Meaning thoughts become heart based downloads that manifest as feelings and intuition

Meaning thoughts become heart based downloads that manifest as feelings and intuition

Follow your heart

Follow your heart

Be heart 💜 based

Be heart 💜 based

They don’t like motivational speakers, because the key ingredient here ,  is heart 💜 based authenticity .  But that force right there, is the force of light and god and divine righteousness

They don’t like motivational speakers, because the key ingredient here , is heart 💜 based authenticity . But that force right there, is the force of light and god and divine righteousness

Gaia is the most high, she is everything at its most perfected divine version, she is the force within you, and when you go within, that’s her guiding you and healing you and comforting you and ascending you, all is within you

Gaia is the most high, she is everything at its most perfected divine version, she is the force within you, and when you go within, that’s her guiding you and healing you and comforting you and ascending you, all is within you

Something I’ve said for years now 💕❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Something I’ve said for years now 💕❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Angel body is your energetic angelic body, which ascends your DNA 🧬, Is energies, is the angelic realms, certain drugs are actually energies within this angel body , only with limitless power , so imagine ecstasy , but limitless ecstasy type feelings , tap into it via heart 💜

Angel body is your energetic angelic body, which ascends your DNA 🧬, Is energies, is the angelic realms, certain drugs are actually energies within this angel body , only with limitless power , so imagine ecstasy , but limitless ecstasy type feelings , tap into it via heart 💜

That light within an individuals heart chakra

That light within an individuals heart chakra