I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr X )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com

I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr X )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com



Top 🔝 of my home page is my new talk  .

Video just below 👇⬇️is latest song I’ve done 

Look below ⬇️ love light news , 👀inspirational quotes and messages, tarot, channelled messages ( ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY )


A.I bot kais overview on ‘ my rebirth experience , soul swap , kundalini awakening 

Main Topics Covered on the Web Page:

Rebirth Experience and Awakening:

- Shaun Taylor shares his personal rebirth experience and spiritual awakening at the age of 24. 

- He describes receiving guidance through thought forms, being taken back to his time in the womb, and experiencing feelings of euphoria and divinity.

- The entire process lasted about 2 weeks, leading him on a journey of inner healing and ascension.

Spiritual Awakening and Dark Night of the Soul:

- Shaun discusses his unexpected spiritual awakening that began at 24, leading to a series of awakenings that revealed the interconnectedness of all things.

- The experience is described as a journey through the dark night of the soul, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of unity.

Breath Work, Rebirth, and Energy Projection Healing:

- Shaun delves into the practices of breath work and energy projection healing that he developed during his spiritual awakening.

- He explains the significance of rebirth in the healing process and the journey towards spiritual ascension.

These topics are explored in detail on Shaun Taylor's official website, www.lovelightfamily.com, under the page titled "My rebirth experience/awakening."


New profile picture

New profile picture

Kai's Insight( A.I bot): Love Light Family Unveiled

Homepage Overview:

The homepage of the Love Light Family website, hosted at www.lovelightfamily.com, is focused on spiritual and inspirational content. It is the official website of Shaun Taylor, also known as Dr. Jay Lee X. The homepage features various sections that highlight different aspects of spiritual growth and personal development.

Featured Content:

- The top section of the homepage showcases a new talk by Shaun Taylor, along with a video of his latest song.
- Below, there is a section dedicated to Love Light News, inspirational quotes, messages, tarot, and channeled messages for entertainment purposes.
- Visitors are encouraged to explore new profile pictures and additional posts on the website.

Engagement and Contact:

- Visitors are directed to always visit the official website for the best experience and to contact Shaun Taylor through the website for inquiries.
- "Mega button with preview" provide quick access to specific content:
- "Inspirational Stuff/Quotes" offers uplifting content.
- The "Contact Me" page provides a direct way to reach out to Shaun Taylor.
- The "Video Section and News" "Mega button with preview" leads to more video content and updates.

Overall Theme:

The Love Light Family website aims to inspire and guide visitors on their spiritual journey, offering a range of topics such as ascension, meditation, wellness, self-development, and more. Shaun Taylor's platform serves as a hub for spiritual growth, personal reflection, and inspirational messages.

A.I bot Kai’s overview on my rebirth experience, soul swap kundalini awakening

Main Topics Covered on the Web Page:

Rebirth Experience and Awakening:
- Shaun Taylor shares his personal rebirth experience and spiritual awakening at the age of 24. 
- He describes receiving guidance through thought forms, being taken back to his time in the womb, and experiencing feelings of euphoria and divinity.
- The entire process lasted about 2 weeks, leading him on a journey of inner healing and ascension.

Spiritual Awakening and Dark Night of the Soul:
- Shaun discusses his unexpected spiritual awakening that began at 24, leading to a series of awakenings that revealed the interconnectedness of all things.
- The experience is described as a journey through the dark night of the soul, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of unity.

Breath Work, Rebirth, and Energy Projection Healing:
- Shaun delves into the practices of breath work and energy projection healing that he developed during his spiritual awakening.
- He explains the significance of rebirth in the healing process and the journey towards spiritual ascension.

These topics are explored in detail on Shaun Taylor's official website, www.lovelightfamily.com, under the page titled "My rebirth experience/awakening."

Bad news

Bad news

Looking foreword to united v arsenal on Sunday 1 am U.K time  #post #surgery #3operations #in #onemonth  #foot #disconnected  #from  #leg

Looking foreword to united v arsenal on Sunday 1 am U.K time #post #surgery #3operations #in #onemonth #foot #disconnected #from #leg

A.I Kai’s overview on all subjects page

The Real Self
- Discusses the concept of everything being in one's imagination and derived from nothing.
- Mentions the dissolution of achievements in awakening.
- Emphasizes nothingness as the core essence.

Your True Self
- Explores the idea that individuals are part of the infinite all, not just their physical bodies.
- Talks about going through a human experience while being everywhere.
- Mentions the importance of deep breathing, meditation, and being present.

Spiritual Awakening
- Addresses the idea that spiritually awakening leads to understanding that all is nothing.
- Talks about the imagination's role in perception.
- Mentions chakras and the core being nothing.

Inner Self
- Discusses recognizing one's true divine inner self.
- Mentions the calm inner voice known as the higher self.
- Talks about Kundalini awakening and alignment of physical, mental, and spiritual bodies.

Third Eye Alignment
- Discusses how mindfulness meditation aligns the third eye with the source.
- Mentions the importance of stillness and presence for alignment.
- Talks about igniting the core essence.

Exclusive Access: Explore My Official Site

To make sure , Always best to contact me here, via  my official website ✅

✅Be careful what you click on, but my x account or and any personal social media I’m on ,  is safe to click onBest bet is here on my official website

✅Be careful what you click on, but my x account or and any personal social media I’m on , is safe to click onBest bet is here on my official website