I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr jay lee X / dr X /the maverick )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com

I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr jay lee X / dr X /the maverick )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com


The great awakening /new earth 

They are already here

Main Topics Covered on the Web Page:

The Great Awakening:
- Discusses the presence of the white hats, ASHTAR command, and galactic federation of light as the chosen ones for a mass awakening since 2012.

Our Essence and Sexual Energy:
- Highlights sexual energy as our life force that can be channeled up the body and chakras, despite being demonized in society.

New Earth:
- Mentions aliens, star seeds, lightworkers, global spiritual awakening, earth changes, and the concept of chosen ones (144000).

Visions of Being a Giant:
- Describes a spiritual awakening revealing visions of being a giant and the idea of spiritually ascended males as giant angels.

Holding DNA and Ascension:
- Talks about holding DNA in hands, feeling a vibrational frequency, and being pulled into something incredible through meditation for ascension.

And that we descended from heaven, and became human beings

And that we descended from heaven, and became human beings

The toxic bloodlines / chronically sick D.N.A, will be corrected and healed and ascended and transcended, by the warriors of the rainbow/chosen ones/those spiritually awakening/144000   2012 was when energy officially changed, that was my first ever spiritual awakening

The toxic bloodlines / chronically sick D.N.A, will be corrected and healed and ascended and transcended, by the warriors of the rainbow/chosen ones/those spiritually awakening/144000 2012 was when energy officially changed, that was my first ever spiritual awakening

Giant angels made love with certain females , and it created a strong bond , stronger than any other romantic bond , those females were chosen by those giant angels, those giant males , and females chosen by them , are those on twin flame and ascension pathways

Giant angels made love with certain females , and it created a strong bond , stronger than any other romantic bond , those females were chosen by those giant angels, those giant males , and females chosen by them , are those on twin flame and ascension pathways

That’s what they are trying to stop and distract us from , with illnesses and the planet and division, so just ignore it work on your own spiritual/kundalini/awakening/activation

That’s what they are trying to stop and distract us from , with illnesses and the planet and division, so just ignore it work on your own spiritual/kundalini/awakening/activation

One job

One job

Your not special

Your not special

New earth 🌎 

Aliens 👽, star seeds, lightworkers, mass global spiritual awakening, earth changes , chosen ones (144000) ecs 

Aliens 👽, star seeds, lightworkers, mass global spiritual awakening, earth changes , chosen ones (144000) ecs

Aliens 👽, star seeds, lightworkers, mass global spiritual awakening, earth changes , chosen ones (144000) ecs

In your spiritual journey, you have a huge limo directing you, and this limo is full of your spirit guides from heaven , and the problem is , you are worried that they are taking you the wrong way , but let go , and just see what happens.  I use limo as a metaphor

In your spiritual journey, you have a huge limo directing you, and this limo is full of your spirit guides from heaven , and the problem is , you are worried that they are taking you the wrong way , but let go , and just see what happens. I use limo as a metaphor



It’s not easy

It’s not easy

They think if they interfere or change DNA that they can stop DNA activations ( spiritual awakenings)

They think if they interfere or change DNA that they can stop DNA activations ( spiritual awakenings)

The rebirth took me back to being in the womb , it lasted 2 weeks, then the inner journey began , maybe there was traumas from being in the womb, because that can happen, and then we carry them issues in our lives

The rebirth took me back to being in the womb , it lasted 2 weeks, then the inner journey began , maybe there was traumas from being in the womb, because that can happen, and then we carry them issues in our lives

This is who the 144000 chosen ones truly are , it’s those on this journey

This is who the 144000 chosen ones truly are , it’s those on this journey

Chosen ones (144000) and new earth 🌍 explained

Chosen ones (144000) and new earth 🌍 explained

Can’t stop god  🐍

Can’t stop god 🐍

It’s the future in the new earth 🌍

It’s the future in the new earth 🌍

Law of one is choosing to see all life as reflections of you, different perspectives of the same one, law of one is the law of space , of galactic federation of light ,this law unites all life forms as one  ,and the law of one in our future will defeat discrimination of all kinds

Law of one is choosing to see all life as reflections of you, different perspectives of the same one, law of one is the law of space , of galactic federation of light ,this law unites all life forms as one ,and the law of one in our future will defeat discrimination of all kinds

I’m a giant 

new spiritual awakening today showed me visions of myself as a giant, I was downloaded that the 144000 males that have spiritually ascended or are doing so, were giant angels having sex with human women, women were tiny in these visions , in my visions females are always tiny 

I’m a giant

I’m a giant

My new spiritual awakening today showed me myself as a giant ascended being, going with tiny human women , I then came to realisation that ascended men are those giant angels reincarnated as a descended being on earth for the global awakening, that’s who the awakened males are

My new spiritual awakening today showed me myself as a giant ascended being, going with tiny human women , I then came to realisation that ascended men are those giant angels reincarnated as a descended being on earth for the global awakening, that’s who the awakened males are

I am holding my dna in my hands 

I am holding the DNA 🧬 in my hands 🙌 , and all I know is that I feel I’m in a certain vibrational frequency, and I’m being pulled, or my spirit or dna 🧬 is being pulled into something incredible, when I want or need, I immediately meditate on that want or need , it’s ascension

I am holding my dna in my own hands

I am holding my dna in my own hands