I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr X )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com

I’m Shaun Taylor (Dr X )And welcome to my official website ✅www.lovelightfamily.com


breath work, rebirth and energy projection healing 

breath work and energy projection healing 

breath work and energy projection healing, energy projection  healing which I developed myself throughout my unexpected spiritual awakening , and the spiritual awakening process .


rebirth is what I started going through at the start of my unexpected spiritual awakening, I was being led by my higher self ( over soul), I had feelings of being born all over again ,I was being born all over again, I new at one point that my consciousness was at the point of just before  birth, I was receiving information on the experience I was going through by higher self ( over soul), which ever since has led me through my spiritual awakening process

and there was no drugs and no alcohol used to induce this rebirth or spiritual awakening experience, an experience which is still going on today 

My own energy healing technique which first came from my unexpected spiritual awakening just under 10 years ago

My own energy healing technique which first came from my unexpected spiritual awakening just under 10 years ago

Found this breathing on internet and I do it myself now , I also added myself a further breath out for 4 seconds, well I can’t help It I’m a co creator

Found this breathing on internet and I do it myself now , I also added myself a further breath out for 4 seconds, well I can’t help It I’m a co creator

the start of my spiritual awakening I was downloaded a deep breathing and healing and self development program, it came from the awakening, am going to share , It involves breathing, meditation, self suggesting, it’s very unique, has 2parts to it , each part takes about an hour

the start of my spiritual awakening I was downloaded a deep breathing and healing and self development program, it came from the awakening, am going to share , It involves breathing, meditation, self suggesting, it’s very unique, has 2parts to it , each part takes about an hour

It’s very special 

10 years ago i had an unexpected spiritual awakening, and was downloaded then a breathing, healing and self development program, it’s very unique, this year was the finalisation of it, and I want to work with it for a year, then I’m going to share, it is very special and unique 

It’s very special

It’s very special

It’s totally unique to anything

It’s totally unique to anything

All those that done me wrong are actually all losers , I know that because I got given this amazing program and spiritual awakening journey, god gave this power to me and not them

All those that done me wrong are actually all losers , I know that because I got given this amazing program and spiritual awakening journey, god gave this power to me and not them

More Deep breathing

More Deep breathing

I will share this miracle with all eventually

I will share this miracle with all eventually

I have my own breathing and self development program, which was downloaded to me since at the start of my spiritual awakening path, it has 2 parts , each part lasts about  just over an hour , involves breathing, meditation, healing, different healing techniques, it’s unique

I have my own breathing and self development program, which was downloaded to me since at the start of my spiritual awakening path, it has 2 parts , each part lasts about just over an hour , involves breathing, meditation, healing, different healing techniques, it’s unique

I was beginning to download it at the start of my unexpected spiritual awakening, now this year I’ve put it all together, so I want to work with it for a year , then I plan on sharing

I was beginning to download it at the start of my unexpected spiritual awakening, now this year I’ve put it all together, so I want to work with it for a year , then I plan on sharing

A miracle program that involves breathing and posture exercises, meditation, self suggesting, and all round very powerful wellness program

A miracle program that involves breathing and posture exercises, meditation, self suggesting, and all round very powerful wellness program

My journey began 10 years ago when I was ( 24 years old)

My journey began 10 years ago when I was ( 24 years old)

My own breathing and healing and self development program 

I have my own breathing workout program, it involves energy healing and affirmations, whole thing takes me about an hour ,I took breathing styles and altered them , some traditional ones which I haven’t really changed, it’s very unique this whole thing, I will share eventually 

My own breathing and healing and self development program

My own breathing and healing and self development program

Source energy healing 

Sit down and relax, make yourself comfortable, breath in deep, and relax, do this a few times, now ask source to come through you and into your hands, put your hands both sides of your head, not touching, know that your projecting the source energy into you, do this for a minute 

Source energy healing

Source energy healing

Deep breathing exercises

Deep breathing exercises

A miracle 

I was and have been downloaded from the creator source , a healing and breathing and self development program ever since my unexpected spiritual awakening started 10 years ago, I am just putting the finishing touches , I want to practice for a year before sharing this miracle 

A miracle

A miracle

I will share eventually 

Just finished my breathing and healing and self development workout for the day, this started being developed 10 years ago after my first big spiritual awakening, it was downloaded since then , it involves breathing, self suggestion and energy healing, I will share eventually 

I will share eventually

I will share eventually